Your Secret Santa Gifting Guide

For the Fashionista

You’ve been forcibly made to do Secret Santa this year, either at work or within your friendship group. Either way, you don’t want to do it and now you’ve picked a name that you honestly just don’t know how to buy for. And we’re gonna say this now: a pair of socks isn’t going to do this year. So let’s think a bit more about what to get them. Even if you’re not too sure about who they are…

For the Homebody

For the Homebody

Yes, this is a bit of a boring one to go to, but still this might be safest way of getting someone something you don’t know very well. From notebooks to the more extravagant paintings, this might be something that you can just bluff and hope they like, because that’s all Secret Santa really is.

For the Fashionista

For the Fashionista

Now, this is going to be tricky, as they probably already have everything that they want, or the things they do want are gonna cost a ridiculous amount. So, go small and get something that they might not usually wear, but would still love.

For the Make-Up Hoarder

For the Make-Up Hoarder

She comes in with a different look every day, whilst you’re just trying to get out of bed in the morning. She’s already got her full face of make-up on, and you’re actually not too sure how she got it done. So why not just get her something she already loves.

But watch out, she’s gonna have most of them, though it’s always nice to have 2 of something…right?

For the Music Lover

For the Music Lover

They spout music knowledge far above your knowledge and every time they put on a new song you’re intrigued and also a little surprised by what’s being played.

They’re playing things like Loyle Carner, Mr Jukes, Wolf Alice (Yes, we had to Google those), and you’ve got absolutely no idea what to get. So maybe a vinyl or record will do for them to be happy about? Just make sure it’s the right one!

For the Arts & Culture Connoisseur

For the Arts & Culture Connoisseur

You hear words like Basquiat and Sterling Ruby from them. But honestly, you’ve only heard those names in TV Shows: you’re actually unsure what they’re talking about at all. So why not get a few tickets to their favourite artists in London?

For the Grinch

Everyone got that one person that just absolutely despises Christmas, and you kind of get it but try not to get sucked into the Grinch’s ways. So, get something that displays Anti-Christmas. Whatever that may be.

For the Party Animal

For the Party Animal

You’re honestly not too sure how this person is still alive to be honest. Every time you see them they’re really hungover and ready to go out again. Regardless, you can’t keep up, so why not just get something to keep their health above bounds. Maybe a few vitamins?

For the Health Nut

For the Health Nut

Probably the complete opposite of that last guy. This one is vegan and gluten-free, and can’t wait to tell your mate that they just met. So, get them something that fits within their vegan and/or health-crazed lifestyle.

For the One That Has Everything

You’ve chosen the worst person to get. This person already has everything! How is that even possible? Have they just got an unlimited amount of money? Anyhow, this is gonna be your worst nightmare, so you’re gonna really have to dig deep and think of something creative. Even we can’t really help you out here. Maybe something handmade for Secret Santa?

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